Sunday, December 11, 2011
Idling ourselves to death
1) Friday night full tight (booze till ya drop situation../Non drinkers would go for a movie most probably or sleep)
2) Saturday Afternoon ( Get up with a heavy head and an enormous hangover and then laze the day away... Non drinkers go to the malls and either do window or unnecessary shopping/may be a non interesting movie n come back in the evening)
3)Saturday Night (Well John Travolta made it famous for more dance (rock n roll) n less booze but we seem to have taken it the other way round/ Non drinkers dance n the boozers booze but the place to be is either a disc or a suburban semi hip semi cool pub).
4)Sunday Afternoon (Saturday afternoon(copy+paste) for boozers for non drinkers TV takes priority+ its pizza time... )
5)Sunday evening(somehow get up ...wash the damn clothes n clean the room...)
6) Sunday night ( Curse your job and sleep latest by 11:00 pm coz its office tomorrow)
Quite enterprising isn't it.. What happened to the weekend guitar/salsa classes, the long bike trips, those concerts,plays and a zillion other things that we used to do during college times?
We idle during the weekends and our best friends, a host of social networking sites keep us entertained. We are always more interested in what others (most probably our ex's) are doing even when it comes at the expense of precious time which should be spent in doing things that are important to/for us.
If we are the most obese lot , we've got no one else to blame but ourselves.
High blood pressure, increased sugar levels and off course carpal tunnel syndrome...
We can blame it on high job pressure but isn't our sedentary lifestyle n our own laziness equaly responsible. Pizza companies are thriving primarily due to us and so are the pubs and discotheques.Once in a while is ok but haven't we made these an intrinsic part of our lifestyles?
Modern day concept is Work Hard Party harder.. Agreed.. But how many of us take the pains to negate the after party effects..For eg: How many of us hit the gym or even are into yoga,aerobics or any form of exercise..2%..3% not more i suppose..
We are in a way idling our lives away and most of us are not doing something creative. If we want, we can do rather we should do things that can change the world because we take pride in calling ourselves intellectuals...
If Anna can do it so can we...we own the web...we are IT savvy...and we are young..
We've got time and also the resources... If 5-10 lakh intellectuals take the pledge , we can cleanse India of most of its evils.. So lets do it in whichever way possible.. Spreading awareness about public issues, raising things with the correct authorities or even blogging/tweeting or posting FB messages about the correct topics can help. There is more to the world than your family and friends' photo albums and status updates...
Whats your pick....Contributing towards a better world or idling yourself to death????
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Repairing A Broken Heart
Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls and children of all ages , i would like to take your attention towards mankind’s most common emotional syndrome— the phenomenon that we call a HEARTBREAK. If you have been dumped or have dumped someone because of obvious reasons, then you must be feeling bouts of low self esteem,sadness,hatred,misanthropy and some of you might even be having suicidal tendencies. But hopefully there is a lot that can be done to make your life better and drive the venom of lifelessness out of you. Here are some tips that might come in handy:-
1) FRIENDS - you can share your sorrows with your friends and believe me it really helps.
2) GET OUT - no matter how much you dislike loitering around,please get d hell outta your house, check out the coolest places in the town— the museums , the coffee shops, theatres . Just make sure that you don’t stay at home and don’t stay alone. Keep yourself busy.
3) TAKE CARE - exercise properly , groom yourself, visit your dietician,fitness trainer,family doctor,stylist and if needed even a psychologist or psychiatrist. take care of yourself so that not only you utilise your time,you also end up feeling better and it also boosts your confidence.
4) STOP ANALYSING YOUR PAST- there is no point in either analysing your past or crying about it. what happened in the past is gone and was not entirely your responsibility. stop spoiling your present. live every moment as if it is your last.
5) BE BUSY - time heals everything. you need time to heal your wounds and you need to survive that painful duration of time in which this healing process takes place. keeping yourself busy in work or hobbies like sports,music,art etc. not only brings out the creative talent in you(which is a very fulfilling experience) but also doesn’t give you time to think about the tragedy and soon you realise that time has flown and your wounds are healed and you are a new, stronger,more creative,dynamic,dashing and offcourse wiser human being.
6) VALUE YOUR LIFE - life is precious,learn to respect it.
I dont get the right to preach if i cant understand what people go through during heartbreaks but believe me i have myself been through a really painful experience(infact the most painful one in my life) and have overcome all the odds. Now i feel that what happened was for my own betterment and thats the same way in which each one of you should feel. Nothing happens without a purpose. I am a stronger and wiser human being now than i was before and the same will happen to you. All you need is a little will power and self belief. Remember life is waiting for you with open arms. A new beginning becons you. Are you game?
A Poem I Wrote Long Ago
Well this is one poem which i wrote initially when i was in my intermediate class of studies.i bettered it during my first year of engineering.This poem was initially written in present tense ,but since it is a thing of the past now,so on february 22,2009 at 11:55p.m IST, i changed it to the past tense.
Later on, i tried my level best to write another one like this but could never do so n thats because there are certain emotions that come only once in life. This is the mindset of Shetanshu or rather Lucky of the past. It was the time when i used to live my life to its fullest.
whose glimpse kept my face smiling.
whose absence held my affections waiting.
whose hair were like the dark night.
whose face was like the moon bright.
whose lips resembled the roses red.
whose sweet voice could wake the dead.
whose deeds portrayed my feelings fine.
whose eyes were my rhenish wine.
whose grace could make a fairy shy.
whose melancholy left my face dry.
whose full disposition was truly perfect.
whose love was my life’s best aspect.
whose character was like the Portland rock.
whose chagrin gave me a mental block.
whose smile made the buds bloom.
whose humor erased all life’s gloom.
whose happiness was my only desire.
whose sight rekindled my heart’s fire.
whose humility could put angels to shame.
whose good vibes won her instant fame.
whose self respect was worth emulation.
whose honesty gave god satisfaction.
whose love transformed a lunatic to poet.
whose advice could make sinners to regret.
whose definition was beauty personified.
In whose perception my eyes belied.
whose worship did my each cell.
whose parting made my life hell.
whose heart was made of pure gold.
whose wit could melt people bold.
whose description could not my poem give.
but she was for whom i used to live.
The Budding Romantic
I wonder whether Mr. Wordsworth would have ever imagined the literary impact that these lines would have on the minds of people who would have the fortune of reading and fantasising about them. I admit that i am no great scholar of english but those who are would agree with me that the above mentioned lines are one of the best possible descriptions of the subtle impact of nature on a human being.
The beauty of nature and the beauty of beloved are two main ingredients, which when mixed in the right proportion, give rise to one of the most celebrated phenomena in poetry—- ROMANCE .
Romance is a term used to describe a celebration of life often through music,art and the attempt to express love through words and deeds.(thanks wikipedia)
So here i am, a 25 something man, yearning for a little romance in my life.
Music— oh i love it. It is the food for my soul. I love Lucky Ali, Nusrat, Jal, Bryan Adams, ………… and the list never ends.
Art—– i am not much of an artist but let me tell you a good piece of art can never go unnoticed by my eyes, whether it is a carefully carved sculpture or a passionately rendered painting.
Love for a women is something that every heterosexual male is born with, and i am no exception but the only problem is that i haven’t found the right one yet.
I believe that when we have just one life to live, we should celebrate each day as if its a festival and make the most of each moment. The current happenings in the world strengthen my belief more and more and i guess it is the need of the hour that everyone should start thinking like me instead of adding to the world’s problems. Lets get some smiles rolling, lets wipe some tears off, lets lend someone a shoulder to cry upon, lets tell a friend how much he matters to us, lets tell our parents how much we love them and appreciate what they have done for us AND THAT MY FRIENDS WOULD BE A NEVER ENDING ROMANCE. Lets romance with life before we set out to romance with a girl or boy(whatever).
Agreed but my idea of a perfect romance would be a romance in which i would not only be romancing my beloved, but also my life and offcourse nature. Think about celebrating a carnival with your beloved on the Goan beaches and making them and every passer by smile. That my friends is my vision of a romance worth dying for and thats precisely why you can call me THE BUDDING ROMANTIC.
A Jobless Day At The Office
During the countless days in which we keep slogging it out , day in and day out , towards the fulfillment of our professional goals, we forget to analyse this simple fact that we have trained our bodies and brain to work relentlessly.
But today has been a red letter day for both my brain and body. I am in the office and guess what i have done nothing since the morning. Its not that i have been evading work or have been inaccessible. Some angel has cast his noble eye upon me and by the grace of almighty , i dont have any work to do. My boss is lazily reclining on his chair, my teammates are yawning and here i am updating my blog at that time of the day on which on a normal day, i wouldn’t even have time to breathe.
Though i have felt good psychologically but guess what my body and my brain both are feeling really strange. I am feeling as if there is no life without work. Something seems to be missing. Guess what i am terribly missing my work. The simple reason being that when at your desk , it is very difficult spend time without any work and call it hypocrisy or plain stupidity but we cannot leave the office whether we have work or not. We need to follow the time related guidelines. 10 hours of attendance is compulsary in the office everyday.God damn the higher authorities for it.
On the good side , i find this experience kinda interesting. It amazes me just to see how much my brain and body is adept at slogging. 1 day of rest(…. yes the most utopian term in today’s corporate dictionary REST.. R… E…S…T. )seems to be so strange as if i have been a corporate slogger since birth. As if i was never young , as if i never had leisurely escapes,happy times or even mindless philanderings. I just realised the sportsman in me, the poet, the friend,the joker, the philosopher and the free thinker have all died and all that is left is a paltry slave to this machine which they call COMPUTER.
After this grave realisation comes the bright sniff of opportunities galore. I can play pool,munch a leisurely bite on a cheese burger, listen n i mean really listen and take notice of the awesome music present in my cell’s memory card or even go and sleep posing sick in one of the wellness centres of my office. My face is suddenly brimming with a smile. I am suddenly feeling empowered after getting to realise the sad realities of life and guess wat…
I am going to make the most of whatever is left of today. A few frames of pool will be followed by a cup of hot brimming tea in cafetaria, followed by a long conversations with my friends and some nice songs might also find my admiration today..