Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Repairing A Broken Heart

Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls and children of all ages , i would like to take your attention towards mankind’s most common emotional syndrome— the phenomenon that we call a HEARTBREAK. If you have been dumped or have dumped someone because of obvious reasons, then you must be feeling bouts of low self esteem,sadness,hatred,misanthropy and some of you might even be having suicidal tendencies. But hopefully there is a lot that can be done to make your life better and drive the venom of lifelessness out of you. Here are some tips that might come in handy:-

1) FRIENDS - you can share your sorrows with your friends and believe me it really helps.

2) GET OUT - no matter how much you dislike loitering around,please get d hell outta your house, check out the coolest places in the town— the museums , the coffee shops, theatres . Just make sure that you don’t stay at home and don’t stay alone. Keep yourself busy.

3) TAKE CARE - exercise properly , groom yourself, visit your dietician,fitness trainer,family doctor,stylist and if needed even a psychologist or psychiatrist. take care of yourself so that not only you utilise your time,you also end up feeling better and it also boosts your confidence.

4) STOP ANALYSING YOUR PAST- there is no point in either analysing your past or crying about it. what happened in the past is gone and was not entirely your responsibility. stop spoiling your present. live every moment as if it is your last.

5) BE BUSY - time heals everything. you need time to heal your wounds and you need to survive that painful duration of time in which this healing process takes place. keeping yourself busy in work or hobbies like sports,music,art etc. not only brings out the creative talent in you(which is a very fulfilling experience) but also doesn’t give you time to think about the tragedy and soon you realise that time has flown and your wounds are healed and you are a new, stronger,more creative,dynamic,dashing and offcourse wiser human being.

6) VALUE YOUR LIFE - life is precious,learn to respect it.

I dont get the right to preach if i cant understand what people go through during heartbreaks but believe me i have myself been through a really painful experience(infact the most painful one in my life) and have overcome all the odds. Now i feel that what happened was for my own betterment and thats the same way in which each one of you should feel. Nothing happens without a purpose. I am a stronger and wiser human being now than i was before and the same will happen to you. All you need is a little will power and self belief. Remember life is waiting for you with open arms. A new beginning becons you. Are you game?