Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Jobless Day At The Office

During the countless days in which we keep slogging it out , day in and day out , towards the fulfillment of our professional goals, we forget to analyse this simple fact that we have trained our bodies and brain to work relentlessly.

But today has been a red letter day for both my brain and body. I am in the office and guess what i have done nothing since the morning. Its not that i have been evading work or have been inaccessible. Some angel has cast his noble eye upon me and by the grace of almighty , i dont have any work to do. My boss is lazily reclining on his chair, my teammates are yawning and here i am updating my blog at that time of the day on which on a normal day, i wouldn’t even have time to breathe.

Though i have felt good psychologically but guess what my body and my brain both are feeling really strange. I am feeling as if there is no life without work. Something seems to be missing. Guess what i am terribly missing my work. The simple reason being that when at your desk , it is very difficult spend time without any work and call it hypocrisy or plain stupidity but we cannot leave the office whether we have work or not. We need to follow the time related guidelines. 10 hours of attendance is compulsary in the office everyday.God damn the higher authorities for it.

On the good side , i find this experience kinda interesting. It amazes me just to see how much my brain and body is adept at slogging. 1 day of rest(…. yes the most utopian term in today’s corporate dictionary REST.. R… E…S…T. )seems to be so strange as if i have been a corporate slogger since birth. As if i was never young , as if i never had leisurely escapes,happy times or even mindless philanderings. I just realised the sportsman in me, the poet, the friend,the joker, the philosopher and the free thinker have all died and all that is left is a paltry slave to this machine which they call COMPUTER.

After this grave realisation comes the bright sniff of opportunities galore. I can play pool,munch a leisurely bite on a cheese burger, listen n i mean really listen and take notice of the awesome music present in my cell’s memory card or even go and sleep posing sick in one of the wellness centres of my office. My face is suddenly brimming with a smile. I am suddenly feeling empowered after getting to realise the sad realities of life and guess wat…

I am going to make the most of whatever is left of today. A few frames of pool will be followed by a cup of hot brimming tea in cafetaria, followed by a long conversations with my friends and some nice songs might also find my admiration today..
