Sunday, December 11, 2011

Idling ourselves to death

IT professionals are a condemned tribe. The other engineers treat us with a certain amount of disdain. We are the pariahs of the engineering community. They say that ours is a cut and paste job with no real innovation required. I definitely beg to differ from such pre concieved notions. I do agree to the fact though that we are the laziest lot. Most of us actually idle our weekends away without doing something fruitful. Its mostly in the below mentioned order (May be there are a few exceptions, but for the majority of us its like this..) :-
1) Friday night full tight (booze till ya drop situation../Non drinkers would go for a movie most probably or sleep)
2) Saturday Afternoon ( Get up with a heavy head and an enormous hangover and then laze the day away... Non drinkers go to the malls and either do window or unnecessary shopping/may be a non interesting movie n come back in the evening)
3)Saturday Night (Well John Travolta made it famous for more dance (rock n roll) n less booze but we seem to have taken it the other way round/ Non drinkers dance n the boozers booze but the place to be is either a disc or a suburban semi hip semi cool pub).
4)Sunday Afternoon (Saturday afternoon(copy+paste) for boozers for non drinkers TV takes priority+ its pizza time... )
5)Sunday evening(somehow get up ...wash the damn clothes n clean the room...)
6) Sunday night ( Curse your job and sleep latest by 11:00 pm coz its office tomorrow)

Quite enterprising isn't it.. What happened to the weekend guitar/salsa classes, the long bike trips, those concerts,plays and a zillion other things that we used to do during college times?

We idle during the weekends and our best friends, a host of social networking sites keep us entertained. We are always more interested in what others (most probably our ex's) are doing even when it comes at the expense of precious time which should be spent in doing things that are important to/for us.

If we are the most obese lot , we've got no one else to blame but ourselves.
High blood pressure, increased sugar levels and off course carpal tunnel syndrome...
We can blame it on high job pressure but isn't our sedentary lifestyle n our own laziness equaly responsible. Pizza companies are thriving primarily due to us and so are the pubs and discotheques.Once in a while is ok but haven't we made these an intrinsic part of our lifestyles?

Modern day concept is Work Hard Party harder.. Agreed.. But how many of us take the pains to negate the after party effects..For eg: How many of us hit the gym or even are into yoga,aerobics or any form of exercise..2%..3% not more i suppose..

We are in a way idling our lives away and most of us are not doing something creative. If we want, we can do rather we should do things that can change the world because we take pride in calling ourselves intellectuals...

If Anna can do it so can we...we own the web...we are IT savvy...and we are young..
We've got time and also the resources... If 5-10 lakh intellectuals take the pledge , we can cleanse India of most of its evils.. So lets do it in whichever way possible.. Spreading awareness about public issues, raising things with the correct authorities or even blogging/tweeting or posting FB messages about the correct topics can help. There is more to the world than your family and friends' photo albums and status updates...

Whats your pick....Contributing towards a better world or idling yourself to death????